Reviews and Testimonials
Reviews of our products and services say more about our successes than we could ever say about ourselves. The following reviews contain a few of the things that educators have said about how Education Design Solutions and the products we use helped them to achieve success:

Testimony by Stephanie Saulsberry
before the Kansas State Legislature Joint Education Committee
in Topeka, KS
March, 2014
Vickie Kelly, from Lansing School District #469, also gave testimony before the committee.
EDS Conference Review
–Marsha Koster, SPED Teacher, Clay Center Community High School

Ron Clark on Reading Plus
Reading Plus
–Dr. Mary Jo Taylor, Superintendent of Schools, USD 239, Stafford, KS

Hamilton Elementary School Principal Touts Lexia

Educational Design Solutions Review
–Betty J. McKinzie, Director of Student Services, Center 58 School District, Kansas City, MO
Lexia and Reading Plus
“Our district incorporated the Lexia, Cross-Trainer and Reading Plus programs into all of our at-risk population classrooms, (Special Education K-8th, Title I K-8th) three years ago. We utilize these tools to aid our at-risk population in achieving success in areas that prior, they had only experience failure.
These programs offer intervention at its best with an astonishing amount of repetition available during each 30-45 minute session. We are able to serve more students with the same amount of staff and reach out to many more students than ever before.
Students feel success while on these programs and the games keep their attention with the colorful and fun graphics. We often hear the students giggling while they work, or they call for us to come over to view their success versus requesting assistance. It is such a pleasant surprise to see a hand go up and the child wants to share their most recent accomplishment rather than ask you for help!
Our elementary school has met annual proficiency targets for the past two years in all areas, including our Individual Education Plan population. Our Fourth grade student have made amazing strides in their Communication Arts MAP testing area; Advanced levels 2008 9.3%, 2009 12.8%, 2010 28.3% Below Basic levels have decreased as well, 2008 2.3%, 2009 2.6%, 2010 0%.”
Christine Butler, Ed.S., Title I Director, Federal Programs Coordinator, Blue Eye R-V School District, Blue Eye, Missouri
7800 NE 72nd St.
P.O. Box 145
Walton, KS 67151
Office: (316) 281-9503
Fax: (620) 837-5647